FCC Administration Addresses Procedures in Response to COVID-19 Threat
Photo by: Ben Hensley
FCC President Carole Goldsmith addresses the faculty and student body in an emergency press conference regarding the cancellation of in-person classes on Friday, March 13.
Administration from Fresno City College held a live webcast on Friday, March 13 at 1 p.m. in OAB 251 to address the measures the campus and the district intend to take moving forward to potentially slow the spread of COVID-19, or the novel coronavirus making its way across the world.
FCC President Carole Goldsmith addressed faculty and students, outlining preventative measures, cancellations of events and health related suggestions as detailed by the CDC.
Vice President of Instruction Don Lopez, Academic Senate President Karla Kirk and Vice President of Student Services Lataria Hall also spoke during the briefing.
Among other key points outlined in the briefing, the main concern addressed was the attempt to slow a potential spread of the virus by decreasing direct social contact on a person-to-person basis as outlined by California Governor Gavin Newsom.
“The goal is not to close the college, but to maintain social distance,” Goldsmith said. “You should continue to monitor the situation, but remain calm.”
Lopez outlined that full-time faculty should meet on campus Monday, March 16, and to check in with division offices to receive additional information and training to move forward in an attempt to move instruction temporarily online.
While in-person class sessions are cancelled from March 16 through March 19, the campus will remain open, with services such as Ram Pantry, student services and the cafeteria remaining open.
The bookstore will also remain open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Events such as concerts, large venue gatherings and all sporting events have been cancelled indefinitely. Goldsmith urges students to stay active on their email accounts, checking “hourly” for updates as FCC receives instruction from health organizations and the district.
“We’ve tried to limit disruption as much as possible and we know instruction is important,” said Goldsmith.
Online classes will go on as originally planned.
Goldsmith added that the short-term class period scheduled to begin on March 16 would be pushed back one week to Monday, March 23. She added that scheduling may be impacted to accommodate for the sessions lasting eight weeks, rather than the original nine weeks they are typically scheduled for.
“The main objective remains the same today as it did when we started a few weeks ago: to enhance the communication, to identify key staff, define roles and set up communication protocols to keep our staff and students informed,” Goldsmith said.
The Rampage will continue to update the situation as it develops.

Ben Hensley is a fifth semester journalism student at Fresno City College. Having been with the Rampage for all five semesters, Hensley has progressed...