FCC Announces Online Commencement, Student Emergency Fund in the Making
Fresno City College President Carole Goldsmith and college administrators continued their weekly live streams on Friday, April 6. The college addressed the new changes to commencement ceremonies and fall 2020. President Goldsmith appeared alongside Academic Senate President Karla Kirk, Public Information Office Kathy Bonilla and Dean of Students Sean Henderson.
“We can not predict when this crisis will end. I know there have been some sporadic efforts throughout our state to reopen. We are committed to your safety first and your education a close second,” said President Goldsmith.
For commencing students FCC extended a virtual ceremony and the opportunity to join an interactive virtual graduation ceremony.
“As a committee, we reviewed many sites and platforms, we participated in seminars and webinars and did research, with that our committee decided to choose MarchingOrder,” said Henderson.
MarchingOrder is a website that allows commencing students to participate in an online ceremony. The ceremony allows students to have their own electronic slide that they can share on all their social media accounts.
Students looking to join in on the ceremony will be asked to submit a photo in some sort of professional attire and a recording of the pronunciation of their name.
Starting Friday, May 22 at 6:30 p.m. students will be able to view their slide. Those who do not wish to participate are invited to the future commencement ceremony in May 2021.
“We know how important this is to the students while the virtual celebration is not what we would hope or want it is a viable option that we wanted to acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate with you,” said President Goldsmith.
Like other colleges around the nation, FCC is looking to hold in-person classes with more online options available in the fall. According to President Goldsmith, in-person classes are not guaranteed to be held and will continue to follow the recommended health guidelines set by county and state health officials.
The State center foundation has created an emergency fund for students who have been struggling amidst the coronavirus crisis. The SCCCD Foundation is offering to match donations up to $30,000. According to Goldsmith, the SCCCD Foundation is working on an application for students to fill out for those in need within the next couple of weeks.

Moises Buitrago is a second-year student at the Rampage. Buitrago is currently majoring in journalism and is looking to transfer in the fall. During his...