Campus Voices: Student Opinions on Spring 2022 Semester
Photo by: Julietta Salazar
In Front of the Fresno City College Library students are socializing.
Two weeks into the spring 2022 semester The Rampage asked students:
1. How do they feel about Fresno City College’s campus being nearly 60% in-person this semester?
“Honestly, I like online, so it’s not that big of a deal for me, but I think it’s also important because I feel like we need social interaction. So I think it’s good that we’re slowly starting to open everything back up and getting everything back to normal.” – Isabella Salas, Social work major
“I feel okay with it. For the most part everybody’s trying to respect each other, you know? So a lot of people are taking classes right now. Like in the library it’s clean for the vaccination thing. So overall I don’t feel like I’m in danger of getting COVID. I feel okay.” – Emily Aponte, Criminology major
“I feel like it’s risky but it is good because people aren’t really meant to be by themselves, you know? And I feel like for some people it’s better to learn in a group environment and for some people it works better by themselves. But for those people that do work better with people and learn better with people, I feel like it’s good.” – Jaiden Webb, Radiologic Technology major
“I am indifferent about it. It’s nice the campus being empty when it passes with no one really here but it’s whatever. It is gonna be curious to see how they can handle crowds of people like if they’re limiting people sitting. And the resting areas or what used to be the smoking spots but I don’t know. We just have to see how it is.” – Max West, Molding and fabrication major
“I feel like a lot of the teachers handled it very well. They really advocate for social distance and just try not to sit us next to each other. They have hand sanitizer all over the place and they have extra masks for us. So I feel like they’re taking it seriously and they are doing the best they can for what they have.” – Nick Zavala, Nuclear Medicine major
‘‘I’m concerned about people who are unvaccinated that are allowed on campus.’’ – Elizabeth Nicolet, Elementary Education major
“It’s cool I like it” – Victor Gonzalez, Criminology major
“I have one class that is online, so I feel like the on-campus classes are better I guess.” – Steven Touch, Criminology major
“I mean it’s good, its easiest to learn.” – Fawaz Naher, HVAC major
“I think that it’s good that they have a mix of online and in-person. I think they’ve been doing a good job with that and keeping people safe on campus. I feel safe.” – Taylor DaSilva, Kinesiology major

2. What changes would they like to see on the campus this semester?
“I guess, making sure everyone’s more separated in classrooms. I feel like even though we are sitting next to each other, if there could be at least a seat in between each other. So I don’t know, just taking that precaution, but overall I think I’m fine with everything.” – Isabella Salas, Social work major
“I think maybe a little more interaction, if it can be done safely. I noticed that somebody was going around for clubs and like nobody signed up because nobody knew how to talk anymore. But I also know that we’re still COVID and the safety thing you know, little steps.” – Emily Aponte, Criminology major
“I feel like they’ve been doing everything right. So there’s not really any changes that I would like to see made. Just everybody you know, keeping their distance, being safe. That’s all that really matters at the end of the day. And I feel like they’re doing a pretty good job.” – Jaiden Webb, Radiologic Technology major
“I really don’t know. I kind of like my class back at home, so I really didn’t really spend a lot of time hanging around on campus.” – Max West, Molding and fabrication major
“I want to see a little more interactive activities going on here. I understand it is COVID season. But I would just like to see a little more going on, maybe adding an area like a hangout spot or something like basketball courts and maybe just a little more open, you know what I mean? Everything’s closed off to the public.” – Nick Zavala, Nuclear Medicine major
“I think the staff and faculty are doing the best they can under the circumstances and I don’t think I would change anything that they’ve done because of COVID. I think everything is good where it is.” – Elizabeth Nicolet, Elementary Education major
“Open gym for all students.” – Victor Gonzalez, Criminology major
“I am not sure because there’s not much that can be changed.” – Steven Touch, Criminology major
“No more hybrid classes.” – Fawaz Naher, HVAC major
“I don’t really know. I think everything looks pretty good.” – Taylor DaSilva, Kinesiology major

Abigail Wall is a 19-year-old journalism major born and raised in Fresno, California. She is on second year at Fresno City College.
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